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#WeAreCanadaToo Wristband

#WeAreCanadaToo Wristband

Regular price $5.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 CAD
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The #WeAreCanadaToo Wristband is a call for change in the fight against pancreatic cancer. Featuring the bold #WeAreCanadaToo hashtag, this wristband stands as a reminder to the Canadian government that every Canadian deserves equal access to life-saving treatments, clinical trials, and precision medicine, no matter their postal code.

Currently, precision medicine trials—critical for improving survival rates and the path to discovery of new treatments—are only available in certain provinces: British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, and Alberta. People living outside of these major provinces with pancreatic cancer in the rest of are left behind, with limited access to the treatments and clinical trials that could improve their outcomes.

The #WeAreCanadaToo campaign is demanding that the Canadian government address these inequities by expanding clinical trial access and ensuring timely access to genetic and biomarker testing for all Canadians.

By wearing this wristband, you are joining the movement for a more equitable healthcare system that provides the same opportunities for survival, regardless of your postal code. Let’s stand together and remind Canada that we are all Canada too.

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